Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fighting Strain Bettas - Singapore Farm Visit

Fighting Strain Bettas - Singapore Farm Visit Video Clips.

The farm is located off Jalan Kayu and is owned by a retiree. The owner was a betta player in his younger days and after retirement decided to spend his spare time in breeding and raising fighters. He is in his sixties and has been a breeder of fighters for the last 10 years. The farm has an area of about 250 metres square, divided into 2 sections, one section for concrete ponds and another for earthen ponds. 0:15 - Shows Concrete Ponds 0:20 - Shows Earthen Ponds 0:42 to 1:16 - Betttas in Earthen Ponds 1:16 to 1:32 - Broodstock area. 1:32 to 1:42 - Breeder's merticulous records of his families of fighters can be seen in those yellow stickers. The age, their parents for example are recorded for easy reference. 2:00 to 2:20 - Newly harvested fighters in glass jar. They are individually kept in each jar. Clay pots are also used. 2:20 to 2:38 - Newly harvested fighters are traditionally kept in these clay pots. They are kept in these pots for about a week and this period of isolation is called "saba" in the local language. 2:33 to 2:47 - "saba" fighters in the clay pots. The fighters are kept individually in the pots, a bubble nest will be built by the fighters after a few days in them. "saba" incidentally means patience in the Malay language, what it does is to isolate the fighter, let it live alone and inculcate territorrial awareness. Once they have forgotten their early lives living and sharing food with their siblings in the ponds, training begins. A good fighter will ...

Keywords: kimsong, redhillbetta, betta, splendens

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